Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns."

A former New Orleans police officer told federal authorities he saw a fellow officer shoot and kick unarmed, wounded civilians in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath.

This is precisely why we need to stay armed!

Remember, New Orleans Police Superintendent Eddie Compass ordered local police, National Guard troops, and US Marshals to confiscate all civilian-held firearms. He said "Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns." Seizures were carried out without warrant, and in some cases with excessive force. National Guard troops, armed with assault rifles, were used for house to house searches, seizing firearms.

After refusing to admit that it had any seized firearms, the city eventually revealed that it did have a cache of some 1000 firearms seized after the hurricane.

We cannot rely on the law to guarantee our safety nor can we assume they will even respect our legal rights.
The state instinctively could not allow people and communities to defend themselves. Allowing that would run counter to the police and military's reason for existence.

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