Sunday, March 7, 2010

WY's Firearms Freedom Act

Wyoming Legislation asserting that firearms made, sold and kept only in Wyoming are exempt from all federal gun laws is set to become law. Tennessee and Montana have enacted similar laws.

WY's law also states that any state or federal official who tries to enforce any federal gun law on a firearms made and sold in Wyoming could face a $2,000 fine and up to a year in prison.

So how many guns are even manufactured in WY?! Freedom Arms, the largest gun manufacturer in Wyoming says, “The big (firearms) companies put out more in a day than we put out in a year.” Freedom Arms only makes revolvers.

(Unfortunately, the legislation doesn’t cover fully automatic weapons or rocket-propelled grenade launchers.)

Montana is testing that state’s Firearms Freedom Act in federal court and it could be found unconstitutional.


Are laws such as these worth it? Are they more moral-victory-seeking attempts than meaningful ways to ensure gun ownership?

You could probably bet that if the Federal Government wanted to strike down these laws or just go round up all firearms in these states, they could do so legally or with military force.

It might be more effective if a more heavily populated state that manufactures a lot of guns enacted such a law... and even better if multiple adjoining states enacted such laws that could somehow acknowledge eachothers' laws.

In the end, we can't expect to rely on laws to protect us from the law.

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