Showtime's Lock 'N Load premiered tonight. The show is a (supposedly) hidden cam show a la Taxi Cab Confessions. The "host" of the show, Josh T. Ryan, is a bit of an obnoxious bro-ham but is also very nice and welcoming to the clientele of his gun ship outside of Denver, CO.
Each episode is only 30 minutes and moves along quickly from one vignette to another. The general theme of the show seems to illustrate the diversity of gun buyers. IT also shows regular people firing guns in a range. Both of which are positives. I think showing people fire weapons could be even more powerful than showing a diverse group interested in them. Seeing people use guns demystifies them and shows them to be tools (the guns not the shooters).
I did find odd and disturbing the show giving air time to the two dudes who basically just made comments about keeping one's wife quiet and joked about murdering women.